The Africa Peace Caravan project is being coordinated by Mr. Ali Liaquat.
Ali Liaquat has spent all his life travelling. After 15 years in the French Legion, he settled in Djibouti, where he opened the first and only African accredited Land- & Sand-yachting Centre on Grand Bara site, and developed Adventure Tourism in the whole sub-region.

Ali Liaquat is an associated member of FISLY, the International Land and Sand Yachting Federation ( In 2006, he represented Djibouti at the World Championship of Land & Sandyachting in Le Touquet, France.

An experienced traveller himself, he is a member of the Africa Travel Association ( ATA ). He has participated in or organised a number of 4×4 international raids, including:


Prolog’ 98 – Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti (Prologue to the Djibouti-Paris Relais de la Francophonie 1999)


IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development) Peace Rally 1st edition: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and return (


IGAD Peace Rally 2nd edition: Djibouti-Eritrea-Djibouti, through the Red Sea Cost (when he was the first tourist to cross the road border to enter Eritrea after years of war)


Brussels-Paris-Djibouti to rally Europe and Africa


GAD Peace Rally 2004 – Djibouti, Eritrea, Djibouti


COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) Peace Rally Arta-Lilongwe – Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi (

Ali Liaquat has also been involved in a variety of other initiatives, which have helped him develop a wealth of partnerships in the media:

  • 1998 – Guide for Rene Rivals for his Travel Guide on Djibouti, Ed. La Manufacture, 1998
  • 2001 – Tour guide and interpreter for Le Monde newspaper for a report by Michel Braudeau on Arthur Rimbaud in Ogaden. Guided by Ali Liaquat, the journalists travelled from Djibouti to Addis Ababa to follow the tracks of the 19th century French poet and arm dealer. (“L’Absent de la route”, Le Monde, 15 Jan 2002).
  • 2002 – Sponsor and coordinator for two short programmes on Liberty TV, a Belgian cable TV: ‘Travel’in’ and ‘Explorer’
  • 2003 – Location manager for a TV5 26 min Documentary film on Djibouti (‘Djibouti, un désert convoité’, Auth. A. Zerwetz, Dir. P. Kimmerling)
  • 2005 – Facilitator for an article on Djibouti in ‘4×4 Mondial’ magazine Ali Liaquat’s work has also been featured in ‘Lonely Planet’ (Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti), the Petit Futé country guide on Djibouti 2007-2008, and

Previous members of the Caravan

Our Administrative Officer

Our friend and big brother, who hosted us during 4 months and who gave us everything that he could. Thanks Alain.

Our Mecanics

Our Photograph